
Saul (2004, pp. 1-2)より:

  1. “A systematic and continuous measurement process; a process of continuously comparing and measuring an organization’s business processes against business leaders anywhere in the world to gain information which will help the organization take action to improve its performance.” (International Benchingmarking Clearinghouse)
  2. “Benchmarking is the continuous process of measuring products, services, and practices against the toughest competitors or those companies recognized as industry leaders.” (D. T. Kearns, Xerox Corporation)
  3. Benchmarking is the continuous process of measuring your current business operations and comparing them to those of the best-in-class companies. Application of the knowledge gained from a benchmarking study provides a foundation for building operational plans to meet and surpass industry best practices.” (AT&T Benchmarking Group)

以上の定義における共通点(普遍性)として,①継続的な(continuous),②プロセス(process),③学習(learning),④測定(measuring)という4点を挙げている(Saul, 2004, p.2)

Saul, J. (2004). Benchmarking for Nonprofits: How to measure, manage, and improve performance. Fieldstone Alliance