
プログラム評価の領域にD. T. キャンベル(Campbell)と共同研究者の実験・準実験デザインが用いられるようになった大きなきっかけを作ったのが,E. サッチマン(Suchman)の書籍においてこの方法論が紹介されたことからであった(Suchman, 1967)。

“Indeed, Suchman strongly adheres to the importance of conducting evaluative research in scientific ways. To reflect this emphasis, Suchman states that the evaluator must often ask that procedures be altered to secure some form of control or comparative group. In citing the need for experimental design (and quasi-experimental design), Suchman (1967) highlights the earlier work by Campbell (1957) and the subsequent publication of Campbell and Stanley (1966). Indeed, as Shadish and his colleagues (1991) have pointed out, it was the popularizing of Campbell`s work that helped draw the attention of evaluators to the work and brought Campbell into consideration as an evaluation theorist (and not simply a research methodologist). “ (引用:M. C. Alkin, ed. Evaluation roots, 2004, Sage pub., p. 21).